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General conditions of sale for stays in guest rooms MAISON HULOTTE


These general conditions of sale are intended for the use of the reservation of stays in guest rooms at MAISON HULOTTE - 14 RUE DE LA CONCORDE- 37400 AMBOISE- France.




Article 1: The owner undertakes to provide accommodation for guests and breakfast.


Article 2 - Duration of the stay:

The guest signing this contract concluded for a fixed period will not be able under any circumstance to take advantage of any right to maintain in the places at the end of the stay.

In July and August, reservations for weekends must be for 2 nights (Friday-Saturday)


Article 3 - Conclusion of the contract:

The reservation becomes effective as soon as the guest has sent the owner a deposit of at least 50% of the total amount of the rental.

The deposit payment implies the acceptance of the present general conditions of sale.

The deposit payment implies the final acceptance of the terms of the contract for a group; the services mentioned in the contract are due.

Balance payment: The balance of the rental is paid upon arrival.

The rental concluded between the parties to the present contract cannot in any case benefit even partially to third parties, natural or legal persons, except with the written agreement of the owner.

Any infringement of this last paragraph would be likely to involve the immediate cancellation of the hiring with the wrongs of the tenant, the product of the hiring remaining definitively acquired with the owner.

Article 4 - room rates:

The price of the rooms is freely fixed by the owner who is free to grant the customer any discount or tariff advantage and to differentiate the price of the rooms according to the distribution channel under the terms of article 133 of the law of August 6, 2015, putting an end to the tariff parity (see excerpt below)

"Art. L. 311-5-1. - ........ The hotelier is free to grant the client any discount or price advantage, of any nature whatsoever, any clause to the contrary being deemed unwritten.

The price of the room may vary according to the season.


Article 5 - the absence of retraction :

For reservations made by mail, telephone, or internet, the host does not benefit from the withdrawal period, and this is by Article L121-21-8 of the Consumer Code relating to the provision of accommodation services provided on a date or according to a specific period.


Article 6 - Cancellation by the guest :

In case of cancellation more than 15 days before the date of arrival, the deposit will be refunded in full within one month of the date of cancellation

In case of cancellation less than 14 days before the arrival date, the deposit will be retained

In case of cancellation less than 48 hours before the arrival date, the deposit is retained and we reserve the right to claim the balance of the amount of the accommodation

In case of cancellation on the same day, the totality of the stay is due.

If the client does not show up before 8:00 pm on the day of the beginning of the stay, the present contract becomes null and void and we can dispose of the rooms

In case of shortened stay, the price corresponding to the cost of the accommodation remains entirely acquired


Article 7 - Cancellation by the owner:

The owner warns the guest and returns to him without delay the totality of the paid sums.


Article 8- Change of room:

Without the guest being able to claim any compensation, we reserve the right to change the room initially booked by a room of the same or higher category. In such a case, the cost of the reservation remains unchanged.


Article 9 - Arrival:

The guest must arrive on the day specified at the time of booking at the earliest at 5 pm and the latest at 8 pm. If he is forced to arrive after this time, the guest must imperatively warn by phone at

For the peace of our guests, we do not accept arrivals after 10 pm.

Article 10 - departure:

The time of departure from the property is set at 11:00 a.m.


Article 11 - Use of the premises :

Only the persons accommodated can stay on the property.

It is forbidden for the guests to invite outsiders.

The respect of a certain art of living is required from all guests to guarantee the quietness of the place and the comfort of all. 

Children staying at MAISON HULOTTE are under the sole responsibility of their parents.

Animals are not allowed on the property. No derogation is possible.

All interior spaces are non-smoking. Outside you will find ashtrays to throw away your cigarette butts, please use them.

We thank the guests for not downloading illegally.

The IP addresses of the people connecting are kept in a confidential file for 6 months and can be communicated to the competent state authorities on their simple request.

Article 12 - Forgotten objects:

Any object forgotten during a stay (phone charger, pair of shoes, teddy bear, toy...) can be returned to its owner with prior payment of the shipping costs.


Article 13 - Insurance:

The SARL MAISON HULOTTE certifies that it is covered by civil liability insurance, for a guest house activity with ceramics activity, covering its responsibility and those of the other persons hosted with the company ALLIANZ.


Article 14 - responsibility:

The host is responsible for all damages occurring by his own doing. He/she must be insured by a civil liability insurance contract. If not, he/she may be required to pay for the repair or replacement of the damaged item.


Article 15 - Gift cards :

There are two types of gift cards: low season and high season

The gift cards are valid for one year.

Once the validity date of the gift card has expired, you can extend the validity of the card for an amount of 50€. Once the stay is booked it cannot be modified.
Included: tax for two adults Minimum of 2 nights on weekends (Friday & Saturday nights)



This site is published by SARL MAISON HULOTTE

Head office : 14 RUE DE LA CONCORDE - 37400 AMBOISE

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14 rue de la Concorde
37400 Amboise
06 38 03 89 98

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